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Navigating in Woods

Guiding people to the Way, the Truth, and the Life

For the Glory of God...for Good?

We live in a troubled and broken world in need of navigational help.  That help comes when we believe in God and His Son Jesus. Jesus tells us that He is the Way and The Truth and The Life and because of His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, we can have forgiveness of sins and access to the navigational help we desperately need.  He alone is our guide to our Heavenly home.  

Because we live in a broken world, we need direction - Jesus is that. 

Because we live in a broken world - we need Truth; Jesus is constant Truth in a changing world. 

Because we live in a broken and dying world - Jesus is life and provides for us eternal life. 


As we seek to Glorify God in all we do and set our focus upon Him.  We invite you to join as we seek Him...for the Glory of God.  

©2022 North Main Street Baptist Church

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